Monday, October 8, 2018

The Innovator's Mindset

What does having an Innovator's Mindset mean for educators and students alike?  Click on this link to view a video from George Couros, author of "The Innovator's Mindset".  

Here is a great summary from his book.  "Kids walk into schools full of wonder and questions. How you, as an educator, respond to students’ natural curiosity can help further their own exploration and shape the way they learn today and in the future. The traditional system of education requires students to hold their questions and compliantly stick to the scheduled curriculum. But our job as educators is to provide new and better opportunities for our students. It’s time to recognize that compliance doesn’t foster innovation, encourage critical thinking, or inspire creativity–and those are the skills our students need to succeed."

You can also check out his blog post on this website link. 

What if our school and your classroom was more and more like this?  What impact would it have on our students in their educational journey at Attica?  It is this kind of opportunity, for our students, which makes me excited for learning in our school system.  The question I have for you as a teacher is:  How can being curious expand your own learning as a teacher and eventually impact your classroom?  

Here are some characteristics of an innovative classroom.  

What learning in your classroom is involving all of these eight components?  We will continue to talk about how this mindset shift can happen more with our own and our student's learning.  Would love for us to start sharing each other's ideas and work in this area.  Who would like to be the first to share at our staff meeting on Fridays?

Don't walk in the Hallways!

Happy New Year! Happy 2019!   During our first staff meeting of 2019 we talked about setting our themes for the new year.  What will b...